Saturday, 24 September 2011

Melted brains of Kenyans

Kenya is prevalently plagued by a somber pandemic of intractable stupidity. It is very shameful to watch the depth of the ignorance and narrow mindedness that some Kenyans exhibit. They say that every society deserves its leaders and by my estimation of a sample of Kenyans then it is understandable why we are perennially stuck at the bottom of the totem pole as a nation. As an introduction let me begin by lamenting the most dire of stupidity that prevails upon the people of Kenya, nothing is more critical and nothing is more visible than the sordid vice of Tribal thinking, It is painfully primal and maliciously prejudiced that people would judge everything at the sorry alter of prejudice and hatred.

Recently I heard a crowd of Kikuyu women talking in Kikuyu and they were blaming Raila Odinga for the Illegal brews that Kill many men in Central Kenya. Apparently to them Raila is the devil and he is the one who brews the Chang’a in his office and sends it to Kikuyu youths. These women are a shameful example of the hate mongering that thrives in Kenya like a disease. It is evident that these women don’t recognize the role of personal choice in the tragedies of illicit brews, everybody who drinks does it by their own volition and it therefore lacks substance to blame Raila for illicit brews. I am not necessarily supporting Raila; I am just trying to disseminate sense.

It is very sad that many Kenyans exist purely in the flawed paradigm of ethnic bigotry and tribal chauvinism. It is very discouraging to hear somebody like one Susan Chege who refers to Luos as “Dogs from Ugenya” on “Bunge la Wananchi”. It is in very bad taste to read so much malicious insolence from somebody who is obviously educated and should know better than to peddle such levels of intolerance. I hate to be mentioning names but I had to do it to reinforce my level of disgust with such prejudice.

I have heard some people assert that the recent accidents and tragedies in Kenya have been conspired by our Political class in order to “pay” for the 2012 elections in blood to Evil spirits. Unfortunate as it sounds, this superstitious garbage was published in a local paper. It’s a sobering testimony of how far some Kenyans would go to avoid confronting the responsibility for the circumstances in their Lives. The truth is that all the recent tragedies were a result of deliberate carelessness and unrestrained recklessness.

It is time Kenyans take responsibility for the state of this nation, its time Kenyans recognized their role in the state of our affairs. It is time Kenyans delineated their interests from the interests of their tribal demagogues. It is time that Kenyans realize that the interests of their politicians are not necessarily their interests of their tribes. All Kenyans endure the same problems of Poverty, unemployment, disease and poor social services. What divides us is apparent and what unites us is real. Let us cease to subscribe to the pitiable school of prejudice, ignorance and malice. It is time to stand, stand for values, stand for integrity and stand for logic. Let us stop following political propaganda and follow our own intellects and convictions.


bree said...

Also spotted in a local newspaper, the recent oil fire tragedies being referred to as "burnt offerings to spirits".

Money Press said...

Brenda, I dont think anybody offered burned offerings because all tragedies in this country are largely out of deliberate action or regret.