Wednesday, 21 September 2011

One day I will be Rich…

I have a very frustrating misfortune that many would find intriguing. I am the kind of person who has very well to do friends; all my friends are sons of prominent people but am not. I am surrounded by people born with silver spoons and I know firsthand what it is like to be a black sheep. You feel it when your friends invite you to their homes and you don’t go because you know you can’t take them where you come from. It’s very sad when your friends invite you out for lunch and you refuse to go because you know you will never take them for lunch. I have seen affluence and I have felt the allure to riches, I spend all my time thinking about the one day I will be rich. Maybe that is why am such a crack head.

I want to be able to make phone calls without keeping my hand on the disconnect button because I know airtime is almost running out. I want to be able to walk into a swanky restaurant to order some Murdered Chickens and eat the evidence off my plate without worrying about the bill

The say money is not everything, I know that is true but to me nothing else matters. Money is freedom, without freedom nothing else matters. I want the freedom to enjoy myself without worries, I want to be able to make phone calls without keeping my hand on the disconnect button because I know airtime is almost running out. I want to be able to walk into a swanky restaurant to order some Murdered Chickens and eat the evidence off my plate without worrying about the bill. I live in an economy of scarcity, every time I decide to walk into a restaurant or supermarket it’s a life and death decision, I am tired of being a perennial window shopper, I want to walk into a swanky outlet and buy all the fashionable stuff I fantasize about. Sometimes I am tempted to leave school and go scratch out a few things.

I know one day I will be rich, one day I will be able to move into my reality, I am looking forward to the day when I shall escape the solitude of my fantasies and enter the abundance of my reality. One day I will have the dignity of being a recognizable man, I want to feel important, like I matter. I want to have my own cool laptop rather than saving coins to go to a cyber to upgrade my miserable blog, one day I trust my aspirations shall materialize. I know I have desired it so deeply, the almighty wouldn’t say no. I have perfected the skill of driving my Landrover Discovery 4 in my fantasies. I have driven a Mercedes CLS in my mind as well, I have become quite good at imagining things, that’s why you delight reading my writing. I always say to God that if I won’t be rich, then he should end my life now.


bree said...

Be diligent in handling what God has given you right now before expecting more. But you'll get there, just this literature can bring a fortune, if it gets the right limelight. Keep writing.

TheAlmikey said...

There's no smooth road to success. Challenges are bound to be immense and i think you just might be ignoring one,accepting your current goes in line with accepting weaknesses and building on them. I might not be all wise but it's easier maybe natural to see the logs in other people's eyes or to know which moves to pull in order to win...or in this case get rich.
Try this,visit your affluent friends,invite them over to your place,go for lunches...otherwise (my opinion) you're living a lie. Take the first step all great men take. I think the fact that you have affluent friends might be a strategic challenge maybe meant to untangle the bundle of wealth meant for you,be comfortable with who you are and don't let their wealth determine your esteem!ges are bound to be immense and i think you just might be ignoring one,accepting your current goes in line with accepting weaknesses and building on them. I might not be all wise but it's easier maybe natural to see the logs in other people's eyes or to know which moves to pull in order to win...or in this case get rich.
Try this,visit your affluent friends,invite them over to your place,go for lunches...otherwise (my opinion) you're living a lie. Take the first step all great men take. I think the fact that you have affluent friends might be a strategic challenge maybe meant to untangle the bundle of wealth meant for you,be comfortable with who you are and don't let their wealth determine your esteem!

bree said...

On second thought, I agree with Almikey.

foenga said...

Hey friend, dont worry. U shall b rich soon. Its jst a matter of time. Jst work on an attitude, a positive one. Cal without worryin abt cred, go 2lunches tat u r invited, shop without that 'poor' mentality. Its jst a matter of time. Its jst a matter of time.n. Its jst a matter of time. Jst work on an attitude, a positive one. Cal without worryin abt cred, go 2lunches tat u r invited, shop without that 'poor' mentality. Its jst a matter of time. Its jst a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

You definitely attract what you desire.

Money Press said...

Frank, thanks a lot for your warm encouragement. I especially would like to let you know my appreciation for reading and following me on my blog. Almikey, I am always captivated by your enthusiastic responses to my posts and I especially respect your well versed and wise arguments and judgments. Almikey, I am in total acceptance of where I am but I am not comfortable, I wanna get better. Allan, let us hope we get there, shouldn't we? Thanks a lot guys.