Friday, 2 September 2011

God does Not Take Bribes

It is hard to watch a church sermon on TV without distraction, so many MPESA, ZAP and Bank account numbers. It is like the church is the new landlord demanding rent or a kidnapper demanding Ransom. I reckon that churches collect more money than KRA.

The masses have been fooled, the essence of Selfless giving has been lost, we are now following a flawed paradigm of prosperity without effort. We have now bought into the lie that God is a stockbroker, The almighty God achieves his goals without our help, God does not need our money. What God gives he gives freely and what he takes he takes rightfully.

I know churches need money, to spread the gospel, to take care of orphans and widows. That is noble and respectable, so what am I ranting about? The problem is simple, the church has become an investment bank. The church now seduces people to “give” with the promise that the Lord God almighty will repay them abundantly, This is no longer willing giving but Investing. The church perverts the gospel to appeal to the more basal instincts of Man, the church appeals to greed not kindness, the church propagates materialism and not virtue. It is all Over, Cathay Kiuna seductively professing God will fight your battles if You plant a seed. The church has now been incorporated, welcome to the corporate church where pastors are adorned with Swanky offices, live in palatial homes and drive stately vehicles all in the name of reward. Today the church is all about status rather than humility, Blessings are now valued in currencies. God is now an ATM machine, Jesus rode a donkey but Maina Ng’ang’a rides a Range Rover. I have nothing against wealth, but faith is a respectable ideal, Humility is an attractive virtue and Giving is a noble deed.

The church as Jesus would say has lost his saltiness. The church has perverted the image of the Lord God almighty, The church is selling the almighty God as an Investment and as an accountant I would tell you God is not a good investment, not because God is bad but because God has bad agents, the Church. The church is an unfaithful bride. The masses have been fooled, the essence of Selfless giving has been lost, we are now following a flawed paradigm of prosperity without effort. We have now bought into the lie that God is a stockbroker, The almighty God achieves his goals without our help, God does not need our money. What God gives he gives freely and what he takes he takes rightfully.

God is not a policeman, God is not on a street somewhere vending blessings. God is not about Money, he is about giving. God is about virtue, Love, Kindness, God wants to be selfless, altruistic and when we dissociate ourselves from our Canal greed and selfishness then we shall have Wealth and wealth shall be our servant rather than our masters, that is the world I wish for, but until then, It’s a dogs world.

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