Sunday, 30 October 2011


There are days when the sun shines brighter than on others; there are days when the grass is greener. There are mornings when the birds sing louder and flowers open wider. There are special days when you wake up with a smile and anticipation. I had such a day…

I have always been skeptical, about Love and Romance. I have always felt indifferent about feelings of affection. I always thought that my guard was secure and my walls could not be invaded. I was wrong. I met her and I was charmed, she spoke and I was lost. I had never known what I could want in a woman, but she had it and I wanted it. Her demeanour was calm, restrained and charitable. She had confidence in opulent amounts and her smile was benevolently bewitching. Her eyes enticing, in her eyes were concealed priceless treasures, treasures of affection, beauty and seduction. Her hair glowing like silk, she was a fountain of elegance. She paid attention to even the most minor details, from her assiduously made hair to her pretty little feet, the pretty ones always have small feet, and they always get the loveliest shoes.

...Her bottom was bulky and bulging, you could have thought she was bending over while she was upright...There were acrobatics in my pants, vicious convulsions in my pants, I feared for my zip... I was aroused to my pubic hairs...

 I remember her black dress, flowing gracefully down her curvaceous back. She was authentically African and I wanted it all. She is the kind of woman men ogle at till it hurts. Her bottom was bulky and bulging, you could have thought she was bending while she was upright. Her chest was competently awarded with towers pointed and erect. She was the kind of woman who didn’t seek attention, she attracted it. She was like the pied piper, she tends to get followed. Everywhere she went was a road show. She is the kind of woman that made men change direction and other women feel uneasy. She was the kind of woman that will make men go to hell. God made her to populate hell with men. She is the kind of woman that made priests break celibacy, she was lust and seduction personified. I never knew I was that kind of man, I had always been “well tamed”, but for her I was a slave to my carnal desires. She is more than I could ever want.

I had never before been this charmed, never this captivated and never ever been so aroused. My manhood firmed up with irrepressible anticipation. There were acrobatics in my pants, vicious convulsions in my pants, I feared for my zip... I was aroused to my pubic hairs, it was a “Hair raising” lust. I had every reason to take her, but I had one reason not to. It’s a kind of awful feeling, she had too much…. She had beards and I suspect she even had a penis… If its too good to be true, It possibly is...

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