What is love? Nothing else has been so central to the human society than the issue of Love. Centuries of Literature, Thousands of writers, thinkers, musicians and poets have venerated love so prolifically that it has become the center of human thought, music, art and literature. No other phenomenon has ever been so exhaustively examined than love, there never was a prolific writer who never wrote on Romance, there never was a beautiful song that was not about Love, Love was has been and has still been the centerpiece of human society.
Love is just a special effect to one of the impersonal processes of Nature. Love is a chemical reaction to get humans to copulate. Love is a catalyst to the process of making babies; there is nothing special behind it. Love is a cruel illusion of Nature; Love is the ultimate triumph of Evolution over Philosophy. Love is the testimony of Chemistry conquering biology
Many people long for the day they will fall in love, many people imagine the idyllic bliss of holding in affection. Love is the ultimate pacifier, it’s ecstatic as it is captivating. Nothing moves people more than the prospect of romance, people imagine that love is the purpose of their lives; they imagine walking in gentle gardens as the hold hands and stare into each others eyes in submission to the consuming pangs of affection. People imagine that there is a special person out there meant for them, people live life believing in soul mates and hoping that one day they will show up. Love is a combination of affection, serene setting and “special effects”. In love, the grass is greener, the sun is golden, the wind whispers, the moon smiles and the road to sapphire ignites on the calm waters of a gentle river. In love voices sound softer, birds sing slower and sunset lasts longer. In love the hills are gentler, embraces feel warmer and eyes look brighter, all those are just special effects.
Unfortunately Love is only special effects. Despite all the philosophy that thinkers have gossiped in the name of love, love is really a sad illusion. Love is just a special effect to one of the impersonal processes of Nature. Love is a chemical reaction to get humans to copulate. Love is a catalyst to the process of making babies; there is nothing special behind it. Love is a cruel illusion of Nature; Love is the ultimate triumph of Evolution over Philosophy. Love is the testimony of Chemistry conquering biology. Love is the submission of intellect to the timeless experience of Nature. There is nothing more, it is all just part of Natures course. Nature is a cruel host.
Love is the tragedy of man; it is the tragedy of man opposing Nature. It is the tragedy of man choosing culture over instinct. Nature never purposed for companionship. Companionship is not an economical process, look at the world, do animals ever form nuptials? Are there ceremonies to commemorate unions in the wild? This is not our economy, it is nature’s economy and Nature does Not bargain. As I said Nature is a cruel host, nature does not respect unions, Nature does not encourage company, Nature only seeks efficiency.
Wow!!painfully true.efficiency is the main driver in lyf..,
I should answer to this in a note.....
oh the anonymous dude is Meshack....thanks...
You should answer to this in a note ASAP. I am waiting....
Love is the force behind everything in life. A life lived in love is the best, happiest, most productive, most fulfilling life.
Love is everything.
love is an expression of innermost feelings,desires,sentiments,emotions that emanate from the bottom of ones heart
i still love u phillip. In fact i love u so much, i loved you from the day you said hi to me in class. Ever since you always smile at me and make me feel important. Will always love u.
Anonymous, I am starting to get worried that you are a man!! God! I M NOT GAY!!
I'm a chic...just that am afraid 2tell u my feelinz openly.pliz understand.
Anonymous, that's not how it's done. If you've got feelings for Phil just say it outright and let him know in a mature way. I feel embarrassed for you that you have to pull off this stocker thing on a guy.
U are a chic? This is actually funny...
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