Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Men Without Hair

 You must know about them, you must have seen them, the men with creased Kaunda shirts, these men in Khaki pants. They all have big stomachs and you love to see their trousers crawl up their pot bellies. I am sure you find them humorous in all their clumsiness.

These men ruin the world, they are a big disgrace. They grunt in public like greasy pigs, they have very hairy noses as well. You know it is them because you can smell their decaying throats because they are always talking. I am talking about the kind of men who cancelled entertainment in high school, the principal who closed down your high school canteen, the boarding master who makes you wake up at 3 in the morning. I am talking about killjoys like Mututho. Mututho? What kind of name is that? It sounds like vomiting your entrails out?

he should not have legalized Chang’a.  Nobody would drink legitimate  Chang’a . Chang’a  is attractive because its mischievous, people drink Chang’a  behind bushes watching out for police. That is why nobody carries Chang’a home, It isn’t fun drinking Chang’a  without the risk

Im sure you imagine I am a halfwit drunkard who is bitter because he cut out my drain, but you are wrong. I don’t drink.

You see, you thought you had it but you didn’t. This article is a bit brainy, its quite a rational case I am raising. I understand where Mututho is coming from, I am sure he realized that Kenyan men have become bottle heads and I understand. Unfortunately he was right that Kenya has become a society of drunkards and this is costing us. Nevertheless he went about it all wrong, he should not have legalized Chang’a.  Nobody would drink legitimate  Chang’a . Chang’a  is attractive because its mischievous, people drink Chang’a  behind bushes watching out for police. That is why nobody carries Chang’a home, It isn’t fun drinking Chang’a  without the risk. Men  want to take Risks, Risks with the police, even risks with blindness and death, when finally the man survives the chang’a ordeal he is satisfied. That is the thing about chang’a, the joy is the survival.

Then there  is the drinking hours, restricting drinking hours only brings danger. The reason bars opened 24 hours is to keep men in, but now they get out earlier and that means they have time, time to go to prostitutes, time to beat up their wives . That  of course is just a joke, but imagine Ann, the barmaid with a little baby, she has lost her job because the bar had to cut shifts now the baby has no food, Ann and her baby are the real losers, the drunkards could drink at home but the baby cant. What was he thinking?

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