Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Greens disguised like Juicy steaks

This is a disclaimer to my blog. Some of you may know me from my facebook profile and obviously you have read some of my previous works. Obviously many of you expect an overdose of hard punching heavy hitting rhetoric. You expect me to fire with both barrels, slay everything, slay the survivors again and take no prisoners. I had a reputation of delivering “shock and awe”, ranting without apologies. I understand that some of you expect me to box with no gloves, but am afraid this blog is going to be bit different.

Imagine reading  something Newsweek, The New York Times, The Economist, That’s what this blog will be, Critical but humorous, Its an introduction to the sophisticated me, The Philip of everyday, the Philip who reads autobiographies, Plato, The New York Times. The Philip who watches the Ritz  Khan show on Al-jazeera, watches Fareed on CNN, The Philip who reads the Fortune magazine but also the Philip who watches Top Gear, I know, I am still 21 years old and not your daddy.

Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t suddenly gone soft, I haven’t lost my edge. I don’t intend to be as sensitive as a poet or as gentle as a nun, I want to be more refined, more precise. Back then the Philip you knew wrote to capture attention; everything had to be spectacularly obnoxious. I wrote to raise your hair, I approached issues from the most twisted of perspectives. Back then everything was written to be offensive and elicit reactions, back then Philip wanted to be known, but now Philip wants to be memorable, I want to be more authentic. I don’t want to be the Guy who writes to shock, I want to be who I normally am everyday. I figure its more productive to be unpretentious, I am not making compromises, I am moving to the next level, I want to introduce the world to the real me, A Philip with a highly sharpened intellect, I want you to notice Philip being obnoxiously pedantic and I want you to see me being pristinely sophisticated. I want you to realize I am not a half brain, loose mannered insolent fire head. I want you to realize am a very mature, very conservative and strongly conscious person, Unfortunately, I have to part ways with the fanatics who read me for entertainment value, The kind of people who pushed me to use bigger guns and drive bigger nails. This time I pick my battles.

I am not saying that I will be a squeaking Duck, I am not giving you Tofu disguised as juicy steaks, this will be the real deal and because of that I trust that you will like it, Imagine reading  something Newsweek, The New York Times, The Economist, That’s what this blog will be, Critical but humorous, Its an introduction to the sophisticated me, The Philip of everyday, the Philip who reads autobiographies, Plato, Shakespeare, the Daily telegraph. The Philip who watches the Ritz  Khan show on Al-jazeera, The Philip who watches Fareed on CNN, The Philip who reads the Fortune magazine but also the Philip who watches Top Gear, I know, I am still 21 years old and not your daddy.

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