Moses was on Holy ground but I stand on a Cursed Ground, pungent smells and awe all attack me. Before me a great serpent surrounded by frozen flames. The serpent is frozen, its the devil, cold and dying, helpless and defeated. The prophecy of the black angel has failed Hell will never be the same again...
Darkness descends into my soul as I crawl down the narrow stairwell, I rub my hands against the darkened sooty wall, it smells awful. "A lot of fires must have prevailed in this place", I think to myself as I am engulfed by the consuming darkness. I want to stop but the stairwell sucks me deeper. The darkness gets deeper and almost palpable. Terror and fear erupt in my spirit as tumultuous thoughts explode in my mind. Hell engulfs me as I realize that my fate is sealed, my hope is lost and my torments are permanent.
Suddenly I see the mouth of a chasm, I know its the infamous lake of fire, I shiver, I shake, I gnash and I wail. I am terrified as I face the eternal price for my blasphemies and iniquities. The wrath of The almighty is ruthless as I face the great pit. Mercy exists not here, hope is not known here, there Dante's words haunt me, "ABANDON ALL HOPE ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE", I am Damned.
My mind slowly recollects and the intense pandemonium eases as sobriety grips me again. Slowly I begin to stumble towards the ominous pit, a narrow path directs my way as curiosity lures me into the pit. It is cold, chilly I should say. Quietly I walk into the unknown depths, lonely depth, intense solitude. I could the feel the quite haunt me. Hell was deserted, hell was quite, Hell was cold.
Slowly they emerge, the choir of fallen angels, all of them frozen as they sang their awful tune of insurrection against the almighty. Then it all gets clearer as I see millions of frozen people, its a horrible sculpture of frozen souls, great leaders frozen in their robes, great soldiers frozen in their regalia, beautiful women frozen in erotic pose. Its a somber landscape of quite, pause and chill. I see creatures of the deep with unsymmetrical bodies all frozen in frightening poses. I am getting cold, my skin whitens and my lips are sticky, but I keep exploring..
Then I see a faint red glow, It looks a fire but largely extinguished. I stop dead in my tracks, I remember Moses and his burning bush. Moses was on Holy ground but I stand on a Cursed Ground, pungent smells and awe all attack me. Before me a great serpent surrounded by frozen flames. The serpent is frozen, its the devil, cold and dying, helpless and defeated. The prophecy of the black angel has failed Hell will never be the same again, the flames are off and the smoke no longer billows, its a new day in Hell...
Romans 6:23-For the wages of sin is death....